So, I tried to copy and paste a great document showing 4 Federal Tax Lien deletions but the file format was wrong and I couldn’t get it to work. I started thinking what I could blog on and my thoughts turned to the deceptive changes taking place in our economy today and how it affects my clients and their finances.

Several things came to mind that you need to be reminded of otherwise you will get caught in the Slow Financial Quicksand that will keep you from being able to move quickly, effortlessly and without sudden losses that are prevalent in today’s economy…

Reducing taxes will earn you more and have a greater impact on your Return On Investment (ROI) than any rate of return or investment return you will ever get from the stock market.  Sure, we have all heard of the great returns that are coming in right now from the stock market… but, you have to be so, so savvy or your account managers have to so savvy to know when the top is and when to get out and move into something more safe and secure when the time comes… However, the reality is that most people lost up to 50% in the stock market and if you are one of the unlucky ones, you’ve done that 2 or 3 times… not fun…

I believe in security, no risk, tax free and guaranteed rate of return for my money and that will prove to be a far better return that any average return in the stock market…

Next is capturing the interest and pay yourself instead of the banks, loan sharks, credit card companies and mortgage lenders… How is this possible?  Oh, very possible and can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in even the average persons finances… Want to know how…?  email me for info on How to Keep Interest, Insurance and Taxes report…

Earn a guaranteed Rate of Return… ever hear the Asops Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare?  Yup, the Tortoise won… slow and steady… not very sexy or exciting unless you understand that you can earn a rate of return far greater than what the stocks will ever produce for you… by many times…

Stop the financial leaks that aren’t blatantly obvious, such as bad credit.  Bad credit will cost you up to $12.50 an hour… 24 hours a day… costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, time and lost opportunities… if you have bad credit… GET IT FIXED… NOW.. it will only and always save you at least the cost of credit repair or hundreds of thousands of dollars… you can’t lose… Call for the best Credit Repair in the Nation… at 127 point increase in just 4 to 6 months… permanently.

Have Liquidity, Use, Control, Certainty and Enjoyment of your money while it’s working for you, day after day, week after week, year after year…  Einstein said Compounding Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World… why?  Because it never quits, never sleeps, never takes a vacation… and it can work for you or against you… Some wise man once said, “Those who understand interest, earn it.  Those who don’t, pay it…” Don’t you want to know how to earn interest, a ton of interest instead of paying it…?  Call Lawrence at 801-769-9443 for the facts…

The economy is shifting… the rules of finance and investment are changing and people like you and me are thinking they are the same… and we lose…

We’ll help you get out of the quicksand and get on a firm foundation of solid financial footing without risk, loss of assets, liquidity, use, control, certainty and enjoyment for the rest of your life…

Want to sleep well at nights having financial peace…?  Call for an appointment 801-769-9443 or email me for help at