Lawrence Law, a member of a Business Networking group called Networking Nights, is passionate about helping others financially.  He offers a  free dinner so you can enjoy a great meal while you learn about this the Family Banking concept.  There are no gimmicks.  He just wants to educate people.  I have included a write up to help others understand what this is about.

Laraine C

There is a financial underground swell that is happening across the USA that is giving hope and empowerment to tens of thousands of people who have lost retirement money to investments, retirement accounts and savings due to market fluctuations, bad management, inflation and taxes. The last two of which seem to be rising at an alarming rate. It’s not just Retirement Money either. It’s anyone who has invested in stocks and bonds, mutual funds, real estate, gold and silver and lost money… over and over again.

Family Banking is a concept that seems to turn the typical Financial Planning on it’s ear. Upside down, in other words. Family Banking assumes that what you thought to be true about money isn’t necessarily so… The guru’s of the Family Banking Plan, also called Infinite Banking Concept, Becoming Your Own Banker, Privatized Banking, etc. are all one and the same, also teach that average is often confused with actual, explain that the average person will make about $2 million in their life, that much of that $2 million is wasted and lost to taxes and debt burden, how to transform debt into wealth, that you finance everything you buy and traditional financial planning does not work. I guess you could say, “The proof is in the pudding.”

A local group of Family Banking Facilitators invite interested couples to a dinner at Ruby River Steakhouse in Provo to introduce the Family Banking Concept and explain the basic tenants of misunderstood financial concepts. After a delicious dinner, each couple is invited to learn more about Family Banking and how to apply it in their life by visits to their home to discuss their personal financial picture. The purpose of the visits are to teach the Family Banking System and to offer a specific financial tool to use that effectively has the most efficient use of interest rates, tax benefits, liquidity, use and control while protecting all while being totally Risk Free. A big challenge in today’s very volatile economy.

While this author has personally tried every known investment, retirement plan and savings program available it seems, and discovered they all have abundant risks and all growth is taxed, the idea that there is a savings plan that is designed to grow wealth, eliminate debt, tax free, without risk and then create a Legacy for children and grandchildren is amazing in today’s world. I invite you to take a closer look.

If interested in learning more about the Family Banking Plan, visit or request a dinner invitation at you can check out his profile on our website.

If you are not close to the Provo, UT area and want to learn more… join us on our Webinar each Thursday evening at 6pm Mountain time and enjoy the fresh financial insights you have been looking for. Click Here