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“This is Penny. I just wanted to call and thank you so much for everything that you guys have done on our account.

When we first started with you guys we weren’t able to get qualified for a home. Now we have been able to not only purchase a home, but we closed on it December 20th. We were able to get an extremely low interest rate.

At first I was skeptical about your service, but I am so glad that we enrolled as members because you guys have just done an amazing job with our account. For anybody that is leaning towards doing this type of service, we highly recommend it, so thank you again.”

Poll: Card Debt the #1 Taboo Subject
According to the old saying, you shouldn’t talk about religion or politics in polite company. Add one more to the list of conversational taboos: Credit card debt. That’s the topic people are least likely to want to talk about. 
Americans are more comfortable talking about politics, their religious views and their ages than they are talking about how much debt they carry on their credit cards, according to a new poll. 
Before the recession, consumers were encouraged to carry debt, and spending was seen almost as a patriotic thing to do to stimulate the economy.  Obviously, the recession was a wake-up call. Credit card debt isn’t as accepted now; it carries more of a stigma. 
In the poll, conducted March 28-30 by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, 34% of respondents said they carry a balance, and 15% reported not having any credit cards. 
Participants were asked, “how likely you would be to talk openly to someone you’ve just met about this topic?” and given a series of topics. They were asked to say whether they were very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely to discuss a topic. 
These are most-taboo topics: 
The amount of credit card debt (85% very unlikely or somewhat unlikely to discuss), details of love life (84%), salary (80%), mortgage or rent payment (71%), health problems (71%), weight (50%), death of a loved one (49%), political views (49%), religious views (41%). 
Causing the least consternation were: talking to a stranger about your age (28%); the price of a tank of gas (18%); and the weather (11%).