I love to cook.  Making good food that’s good to eat for good friends and family is so much fun.

I enjoy movies and seeing the latest Action or Adventure, SciFi or WhoDunIt are favorites of mine.

I love to have family over and see and play with the grandkids, show them the bees, the chickens, dog, cat and raid the garden. Fresh peas and baby carrots are the best!  It’s fun to hear their questions and comments.

I enjoy music… ok, so I love to sing… I’m a tenor and my voice has improved with age.  I was once told I could do Opera… not my favorite but my voice has the capabilities of doing so… so I sing at restaurants and whenever I get the urge to “break out into song”.

I love my wife and her quirky idiosyncrasies… it’s what makes me smile and love to love her…

I call my dad each week and get some morsel of wisdom from him. He’s 87 and may not be around much longer, but, who knows?  I do enjoy his conversations and his quick laugh and smile.

I love to kayak… no, not upside down and banging my head on the bottom of the river, but right side up and floating on a quiet lake, listening to the birds and seeing the wild life that does not know I am there. I love to paddle and feel the speed and weightlessness of the kayak glide me across the lake.

I enjoy hiking and see new vistas… the beauty of this earth is amazing to me… the vastness of the earth’s treasures are marvelous… The teaming wildlife… mind boggling. I love it and so grateful for it.

I used to taunt those who I deemed “Tree Huggers”  Now I are one..  We really should treat this earth with respect and manage the resources conservatively. It’s the only earth we have.

With experience and knowledge comes wisdom… if… we apply both to correct principles…

I am fond of good people, good friends, good living and a good country. I wish you well in all you do.  I hope you will be a good friend…