If something you thought was true about money wasn’t true… 

…when would you want to know about it?

I have asked this question hundreds of times and every answer I get is… yesterday, 10 years ago, 30 years ago… etc.  We all want to have the truth and when it plays with our finances… that which provides food on our table, a place to protect us from the elements and protect our family, etc. then we are pretty protective and want to the know the truth now… not later.

Yet, we live in a world where we are lied to on a daily basis… billboards, radio and TV ads, newspapers, magazines, prospectus’s, even sales agents and company executives will lie and tell you something that is not real… not the truth…  For the most part it’s not out and out lying, more like not telling you the whole truth or the whole story, leaving out parts that trip you up, cost you time, money and effort that benefits their pockets instead of yours.

It’s very refreshing when you can find a company or an individual that will tell you the truth and you can trust what they say… Trust is earned and it’s something that takes time to develop.  It’s also something to treasure because it’s becoming rare…

At Vantage Financial Alliance – we only speak the truth… for instance…

Did you know that most Financial Planners will convince you that Average is important.  Really?  Isn’t Actual really the truth?  Averages will show something that may be true for some, but might not be true for you.  Actual is true for everyone…

Another for instance… Financial Planners will tell you that Deferring Taxes is a good retirement strategy so you can earn more money now and pay less taxes later… Really?!  Do you believe that taxes are going up, or going down… and if you are worth more money, do you think you will be in a higher tax bracket or a lower tax bracket…?  Perhaps, they are not telling  you the whole truth.

We lay the truth bare and open for scrutiny so that you can make a wise and educated decision about your finances… with out Risk, without “if’s” and without “Averages”.

Check us out at www.AllianceGroupFinancial.com  and Watch the video’s. You will be impressed… Then send me an email with contact info and we will call to discuss your needs and answer questions about the infinite Banking Concept.

