Credit Score Zappers
Here’s a look at six top credit score zappers and their average hits to your score based on data compiled by the scoring model used by three of the major credit bureaus — Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. 

1. Bankruptcy: 130 to 220 points, depending on number of delinquent accounts and your score when it’s reported. Scoring models usually give the most weight to payment history, and bankruptcy is included in that category. 

2. Foreclosure: 105 to 160 points. 

3. Short sale mortgage, A lower sales price than outstanding balance was negotiated, but a delinquency was reported: 105 to 160 points. 

4. Settling a credit card debt for less than is owed: 65 to 125 points. 

5. 30-days late on a payment: 60 to 110 points. 

6. Maxing out a credit card: 10 to 45 points.