I’ve read several books on Family Banking or Infinite Banking and Pamela’s book has been one of my favorites so far…

You see, I believe wholeheartedly in the Infinite Banking Concept as the best financial tool for a person to save, protect and grow their assets. Apparently so does Pamela because she has offered a reward of $100,000 to anyone who can prove a better plan than what Bank on Yourself can do.

Pretty amazing since there are thousands of investment opportunities around.   However, Bank On Yourself is not about investing… there are no risks and investments are synonymous with risk.  There is no reason to have risk and high ROS or Return On Savings… You thought I was going to say ROI or Return On Investment but it’s not an investment… it’s savings… with really good returns…

Pamela’s book is great because it explains Banking On Yourself by using real life scenarios to show how it really works. It takes a couple from when they hear about Bank On Yourself, the discussions of what it is, how it works and what it can do and then shows at each new phase of life for the couple how it has helped, save them from financial catastrophe and then on into retirement.

I think I like it best because it takes a lot of numbers and concepts and explains it in real language… something that most people will be able to grasp and use…

I highly recommend you get this book and read it with your significant other and discuss how this could work in your life… for example… if you could capture interest, insurance and taxes paid to others and instead use the money to save and grow in your own Banking System, earning higher than bank compounded interest and with a dividend at the end of each year (not guaranteed) and reduce your taxes by 5, 10, 20% and use that in your Banking System… how would your savings look now… in 5 years… 10 years…?  It’s amazing to see the growth when you have money working for you instead of you working for your money all the time.


Check out the Family Banking Plan here… and see if you are not shocked at what is possible.  I think you will be…

Lawrence M Law is CEO of Vantage Credit Alliance and Vantage Financial Alliance… Companies that help people who have been devastated by the economy or want to plug the leaks to their financial bucket and greatly expand their financial assets.  The Next Step!  You can email him at Lawrence@VantageCreditAlliance.com



