If Something You Thought Was True About Money Wasn’t True… When Would You Want To Know About It?

Interesting words to contemplate… of coarse you would say, now… or 20 years ago…

Although I have tried almost every way to make a killing in investing or saving and growing money in a residual kind of way… I have discovered it’s not as easy as the financial wizards make it out to be… in fact, we see that they usually don’t know what they are talking about and what they spout off as the latest, greatest is usually a bomb and your money is gone before you can save it…

I like ways to save, protect and grow my money… with liquidity, use, control, certainty and enjoyment… without risk… Is it possible to get everything?  Yes,  but first let’s look at the typical Financial Planners suggestions…

Here are some examples…

401k’s and IRA’s – we save our money and even may get a “matching” participation by the company. If you have a great company, they may match 1 to 1 for every dollar you invest.  If not, then you may get 50% participation, vesting stipulations, matching up to a certain point, etc.  Then comes the real kicker… when you have a ton of money growing and you think you might be alright… a 2008 stock market drop comes along and BAM, you lose 40 to 50% of your money before you can do anything about it… and it takes years if not decades to recover… If you are young, you may have time to recover… IF, the stock market doesn’t drop again, if the growth rates are substantial enough, if taxes don’t increase and if you can keep your job… etc…  It’s not working!  There is a better way…

Gold & Silver – Gold and Silver are great hedges against inflation… and when the stock market is dropping or US dollars are losing value, Gold and Silver tend to increase and grow, offsetting the drop in value of the dollar.  Tend to… but having Gold and Silver have their own problems… if you have a lot of Gold and Silver, you become a target for thieves or if you hold it in someone elses vault, you may not get access to it… or, you may have it in Gold and Silver Certificates, futures or bonds… paper… or electronic bits… and if you need it in a crunch… who has it…?  Leveraging to grow your Gold and Silver can be devastating if Gold and Silver drop… then there are margin calls that cost more money that you may not have and does not grow your investment…  It doesn’t work…  There is a better way…

Stock Market – the buzz is Average growth rates of 10, 12, 15 even 30% growth but wait, is average growth rate a true picture of what they are growing?  Not really… wouldn’t it be better if you had an actual growth rate?  This puts things in perspective… the stock market is actually showing a growth rate of the top 500 of less than 2% over the past 14 years… why, because there are some significant drops that destroy the amazing Average Growth Rates they like to highlight… 2001, 2003, 2008 were some great examples of where not to have your money when the stock market dropped like a rock and lost retirement funds huge amounts overnight. It’s not working… There is a better way…

Real Estate – hey, this is becoming a repeat story… we all know the details of the Housing Bubble that burst and tens of thousands, perhaps millions, lost their homes or their investment homes when the housing prices crashes and lost up to 50, 60% of value.  The results…?  We are still dealing with tens of thousands of foreclosed properties across American not yet in the system because housing has not returned enough to allow them to enter the market.  It’s another bubble and not working… There is a better way…

For most people, you don’t have huge amounts of money to put into investments to start earning a great rate of return… or, you don’t have the time before retirement to recoup the savings you lost, or, never made enough to put away enough for retirement to begin with… it’s a sad story, BUT, there is an answer and it is a great one for most people who have a good job, keep their expenses low and have some money to put away for retirement… oh, and have some discipline in their lives to do so…

Now for the best part of this post… the good news…

There is a company that has gathered amazing financial tools that have proven themselves over time to be the best in the industry and don’t get affected by the stock market and actually improve with inflation.

They help reduce debt, increase credit scores, lower payments and allow funds to grow at guaranteed rates, are secure, without risk and are liquid enough to use every day… oh, and if you use the system as designed, your money is used multiple ways and grows even more and faster as you use it…


Too good to be true… good, we got your attention and now we will prove it… This is what the wealthy have been keeping from you for over 200 years… Banks, large corporations, the wealthy all use these financial products to protect their assets and you can too… I don’t care if you have $50 or $50,000 to put away a month… it starts to work from the first moment you start the Plan… and it’s called the Family Banking Plan… Banks and Corporations call it something different… but it’s the same thing.. using the same principles and it works the very same way…

To start your assets growing or to recover lost assets, you need to check this out the fastest way possible.  Click Hereto see some videos, read some news, hear how this can work for you… If this is as good as I promise it is… would it be worth some of your valuable time to find out why?

Check out http://www.FamilyBankingWorks.comand see what this is all about.

The 5 Best Kept Financial Secrets are…

1 – Get yourself out of debt and stop paying huge finance fees, interest, penalty fees, etc. Your money is slipping through your fingers… We can help you Transform Debt Into Wealth

2 – Get your Credit Scores in the mid 700’s and up – Credit Repair by Attorneys will increase credit scores and lower interest and insurance rates so significantly that you will have more money to put into savings, investments, retirement, etc. It’s worth every penny spent.

3 – Consolidate your Student Loans and lower payments.  By making this affordable you can put extra away that have guaranteed rate of growth, compounded interest, dividends and no risk…

4 – Start a business or, if you have a business maximize your deductions and reduce taxes…  Taxes are the great wealth destroyer and if you can reduce taxes by 5, 10, 15 even 20%… that money is yours to save, protect and grow in the Family Banking Plan where there is no risk…  check it out…

5 – Start your own Family Banking Plan – start with little or start with a lot… either way, save, protect, grow your money with no risk, liquidity, use, control, certainty and enjoyment right from the beginning…

Check it out Here…

Get a Free Consultation Here…

Watch some videos Here…

Do something… if you do nothing… you will never know what you could have had… We spent a lifetime discovering what works and what doesn’t work… and the wealthy knew it all along… making money off those who don’t know their secrets… we have their secrets… let us show you what they know.

Vantage Credit Alliance – Sound Financial Resources

801-769-9443 for a Free Consultation ($120 value)


No obligation… just facts!