1. Reduce Taxes
Next time you donate your old stuff to a charity, plan ahead; you may be able to write off your charitable donation on your 2014 taxes. Before going to the donation center, keep an inventory of how much your items are worth. Don’t forget to get a receipt.

2. Toss the Obsolete paper
Digitize your important receipts and records by scanning them and shredding the original copy. If you don’t have a specific budget, use this opportunity to make one using old receipts and bill statements as a guideline to calculating your regular income and expenses.

3.  Organize Your Bills
Set up online bill payment and electronic statement delivery with your bank as a way to keep your desk and your finances organized. E-statements are convenient, secure and allow you to track your payment history without digging through stacks of old records. Online bill payment can be set up to make single or recurring payments as well as regular transfers to your savings account, which is an easy way to make saving a priority. Both will save you time spent paying bills and trips to buy yet more storage bins to hold a longer and longer paper trail.

4. Feel Better
As tough as it is to admit, junk complicates our lives. Clutter is one thing that you can control to help improve your mindset so that you can focus on more important aspects of your life. Plus, if you are able to find things (like your tax receipts, for instance), it’ll take a lot of the stress out of the rest of your year, leaving you with more time and head space to work on other projects.

5. Fix It Up
Cleaning also gives you the chance to think about ways to improve your living space. Identify problems before they become problems, and think about how your projects can make your life more efficient. After cleaning and planning, put an action plan in place to make improvements to your home, whether to increase its value or to make it more efficient for you.

6. Sell It
There are so many second-hand marketplaces available to help you sell or trade items you no longer use. While you probably won’t make any money from most of your old clothes and electronics, if you have items of value that are just collecting dust, look into turning them into profit.

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